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Three Questions To Answer Before Buying Bug Detector Equipment

People give away a lot of information about themselves when speaking to others, so it's shouldn't be surprising to learn hackers and other thieves place recording devices in both public and private areas to eavesdrop on unsuspecting victims. A bug detector can help you protect your privacy by locating these offending devices so you can remove them, but here are three questions you need to answer before shopping around for one to ensure you get a device that best fits your needs.

What Type of Bugs Are You Looking For?

Almost all recording devices use radio-frequency (RF) signals to send and receive information and data. However, these devices don't transmit on the same frequency ranges. For instance, RFID devices use frequencies between 3 and 30 MHz, whereas baby monitors and mobile phones use frequencies between 300 and 3,000 MHz. Since the frequencies bug detectors can pick up vary depending on the model, it's important to know the kind of recording devices you'll be looking for to ensure you select a model that will get the job done.

Video recording devices are more likely to be used in places like hotel rooms, Airbnb homes, bathrooms, dressing rooms, and similar areas where catching people in compromising positions (e.g. having sex, getting undressed) is the goal. Audio recording devices are more likely to be used in areas where the perpetrator is trying to obtain information, such as meeting rooms, busy cafes and restaurants, employee break rooms, etc. Consider the areas that concern you the most and choose a bug detector that will help you find the "spyware" that would generally be used in them.

Do You Want to Only Detect or Also Block Signals?

In addition to locating hidden video and audio recording devices, some bug detectors will also block signals to prevent the devices from working. This can provide immeasurable peace of mind as you can be assured the hidden devices won't pick up compromising footage or personal information while the blocker is in use.

Again, though, the type of blocker you get will depend on the kind of device you want to use it against because the technology used to block the signal can vary. For instance, some audio recording blocking devices generate white noise that prevents the bug from picking up voices and other sounds in the room. Other blockers jam the actual radio frequency, preventing any device in the area from working.

As noted previously, blockers can provide a sense of true security. Be aware, though, that these devices are typically limited in some way. The blocker may only work on devices within a certain radius, or it may need to be placed near any and all recording bugs to be effective. Be sure to read the usage instructions and choose the device that best fits your needs.

How Much Money Do You Have to Spend?

Like any other product, you can get bug detectors at a variety of price points. However, in general, the more money you pay for a device, the better the quality of the device and the more features are available to you. For instance, a cheap bug detector may tell you if there is spyware in the room, but a device that falls in the mid-range may have a feature that tells you how strong the signal the spyware is producing, which can tell you what type of device is in use. More expensive detectors may even have built-in signal blockers.

Don't automatically assume, though, that you need a high-quality model. Some basic brands will get the job done and only require you to take one or two more steps to secure your location. It's also important to consider how and where you'll be using the device. If you travel often, for instance, you may not want to buy something expensive because of how easily things get lost during transit.

For more information about bug device detectors or for help picking out the right one for you, contact a security company.